Ramon Ray

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
Founder, ZoneofGenius.com

Ramon Ray is unapologetically positive and the founder of www.ZoneofGenius.com; 5x serial entrepreneur; and 3 companies. Ramon is an in-demand motivational speaker and small business success influencer and event host. He's written 5 books, including, "Celebrity CEO" (about personal branding).

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I Produce Many Large In-Person Events — Using a Very Small Budget. Here's How I Do It.

In-person events can be a great way for small businesses to grow their brands, make money and build and strengthen relationships.


My Wife's Nutritionist Gets Better Sales Than You — Here's Why.

Selling is not easy, but it gets a lot easier if you learn from my wife's new nutritionist.

Life Hacks

I'm Very Busy — Yet I Still Have Lots of Free Time. Here are 10 Hacks I Use To Actually Enjoy My Life

Entrepreneurs are busy, busy people. However, I've found that I can still be very busy, very productive and have free time. Here are ten disciplines that help me. It's better for my health, my family and my business.

Growing a Business

I Took 2 Weeks Off and My Business Grew. Here's How You Can Also Take a Successful Break

Business owners should take time to get away and be refreshed. Here's how to take a break from your business and ensure your business thrives.

Growing a Business

4 Ways to Stop Getting Distracted and Start Hitting Goals

Needless diversions can limit your business's growth -- here's how to avoid them.

Estrategias de crecimiento

4 formas de dejar de distraerse y comenzar a alcanzar metas

Las desviaciones innecesarias pueden limitar el crecimiento de su negocio; a continuación, le mostramos cómo evitarlas.

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